Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fall Fashion: Horizontal Stripes

The trees are changing colors and I decided to take advantage of a sunny day by working on a project I've been planning for at least a year now.  The concept is simple: trees look really good in the fall and I could take stunning photos.  But I wanted to capture more than just a few trees.  I wanted to take pictures of Portland.

My photos have more than just pretty trees.  These photos also have power and telephone lines.  You'll feel like you are in Lake Oswego on a sunny fall day, surrounded by all the colors of the rainbow represented in the delicate texture of fading leaves.  And by our fine city's vast cable network.  If you've got the telephones, flaunt it.  Don't be shy.

I've shared a handful of photos at my gallery here.  Please check it out.  All photos are unprocessed, unfiltered, 21mm.

1 comment:

Tea Pot with Natasha said...

Nice photo gallery Thomas. There are some beautiful trees in Portland. I like the ones that are either deep red or bright yellow. One of these days we should go to Cape Cod to capture fall foliage.